
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Alumni Meet with Mr. Lijo Devasia



Venue: 2nd MCA Classroom

Date: 2024 August 2 1

Time: 1 2:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Resource Person: Mr. Lijo Devasia

On August 2 1, 2 02 4, we had the pleasure of hosting M r. Lijo Devasia, an esteemed  alumnus from the MCA batch of 2008 -11. The meet provides an invaluable opportunity for current students to connect with a successful graduate and gain insights from his personal experiences. The meeting was brief but highly impactful. M r Lijo took the time to share his journey since graduating, focusing on his career path and the lessons he has learned along the way.

Mr.Lijo detailed his career trajectory, starting from his initial job search after graduation to his current role. He emphasized the importance of pe reverence and adaptability in the professional world. He shared practical advice on navigating the job market, including how to identify and pursue opportunities that align with one 's passions and skills. His experiences under the significance of finding a job that not only provides financial stability but also personal fulfilment.

He stressed that job satisfaction is a key factor in long-term success and happiness. M r. Lijo responses were tho thoughtful and inspiring, providing practical tips and motivational insights that resonated with many attendees.

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