
Monday, September 2, 2024



Venue: 1ST MCA Classroom

Date:  2024 August 22

Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Resource Person: Aswin Girish

On August 22, 2024, a workshop titled "Hackathon: An Introduction" was conducted by an MCA student specializing in web development and programming. The session was designed to provide an introduction to hackathons, coding platforms, and the procedures involved in participating effectively in these events. The facilitator started with a definition of hackathons, explaining them as events where programmers, designers, and other tech enthusiasts come together to collaborate on software or hardware projects within a limited time frame. 

It provides enhanced problem-solving skills, opportunities for networking with industry professionals and peers, potential for career advancement and job offers from participating companies. HackerRank is described as a platform that provides coding challenges and competitions, which help in improving algorithmic and problem-solving skills. It highlights various features such as practice contests, job interview preparation, and a wide range of coding problems. The workshop included a live demonstration of navigating the HackerRank platform, showing how to access problems, participate in contests, and track progress. Showed the tips on presenting projects, dealing with feedback, and leveraging connections made during the event for future opportunities.

The session concluded with a Q&A segment where participants could ask questions related to hackathons and coding platforms. Discussions also included personal experiences from the facilitator about participating in hackathons and leveraging online platforms for coding practice. The workshop provided a comprehensive introduction to hackathons and online coding platforms, highlighting their benefits and offering practical advice for participation. Participants gained insights into how to effectively use platforms like HackerRank and prepare for hackathons, which will aid in enhancing their coding skills and career prospects.

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