
Friday, June 14, 2024



Industrial AI


Venue: 2nd MCA[ MCA2023-25 Batch]

Date: 05 June 2024

Time: 03:30pm – 04:30pm

Resource Person : Mr Mathew Joseph

Activity: Industrial AI

Outcome: On June 5, 2024, second-year MCA students participated in an enlightening webinar titled "Industrial AI," led by Mr. Mathew Joseph, Director and Head of CIMB Bank AI Labs. The webinar provided valuable insights into the application of artificial intelligence (AI) across various industries. Mr. Joseph, an engaging and knowledgeable speaker, began by discussing the transformative potential of AI in optimizing operations, enhancing customer experiences, and driving innovation in sectors such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

 He highlighted specific use cases, such as predictive maintenance in manufacturing, personalized marketing in retail, fraud detection in finance, and diagnostic tools in healthcare. One of the key areas Mr. Joseph focused on was AI in recruitment, explaining how AI-powered tools can streamline the hiring process by automating resume screening, improving candidate matching, and reducing biases in recruitment decisions. This not only makes the process more efficient but also helps in identifying the best talent more effectively.The webinar also included an interactive Q&A session, allowing students to engage directly with Mr. Joseph and seek his advice on AI applications and career opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. His expertise and practical insights made the session highly interesting and relevant, providing students with a deeper understanding of how AI is revolutionizing various industries and the future career paths in this domain. 

The webinar concluded with Mr. Joseph encouraging students to stay curious, keep learning, and explore the vast potential of AI in their future careers.

Navigating the future: Automation, DevOps, AI and the evolution of IT careers

 Venue: 2nd MCA [ MCA2023-25 Batch]

Date: 05 June 2024

Time: 09:30am – 01:30pm

Resource Person : Mr Amel Mathai

Activity: Navigating the future: Automation, DevOps, AI and the evolution of IT careers

Outcome: On June 5, 2024, second-year MCA students attended an engaging and informative class titled "Navigating the Future," led by Mr. Amel Mathai, Senior Technical Delivery at Red Hat Training - India and South Asia. The session focused on automation, DevOps, artificial intelligence (AI), and the evolution of IT careers. Mr. Mathai, known for his entertaining and engaging teaching style, began by discussing the critical role of automation in enhancing operational efficiency and reducing errors across various industries. 

He then delved into DevOps, explaining its significance in promoting collaboration and continuous improvement through practices such as continuous integration, continuous deployment, infrastructure as code, and containerization with tools like Docker and Kubernetes. The AI segment covered fundamental concepts, including machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing, highlighting their transformative applications and ethical implications. 

Mr. Mathai also addressed the evolving landscape of IT careers, emphasizing the importance of skills in data analysis, cybersecurity, and cloud computing He provided valuable guidance on how students can prepare for future job markets, stressing the need for continuous learning and adaptability. The class featured an interactive Q&A session, where students had the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized advice, making the session both educational and inspiring. Mr. Mathai's expertise and dynamic presentation ensured that the class was not only informative but also highly enjoyable for all participants.

Navigating the future: Automation, Devops, AI and the evolution of IT careers


Venue: 2nd MCA [ MCA2023-25 Batch]

Date: 04 June 2024

Time: 09:30am - 04:30pm

Resource Person : Mr Szen John

Activity: Navigating the future: Automation, Devops, AI and the evolution of IT careers

On June 4, 2024, second-year MCA students attended an enlightening workshop titled "Navigating the Future," led by Mr. Szen John, Manager of Technical Service at IPSR Solutions Ltd. The session delved into the transformative fields of automation, DevOps, and artificial intelligence (AI), along with the evolving landscape of IT careers. Mr. John began by explaining the significance of automation in enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs across various industries. He then transitioned to DevOps, highlighting its role in fostering collaboration and continuous improvement through tools like continuous integration and deployment, infrastructure as code, and containerization. 

The discussion on AI covered core concepts such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing, emphasizing their applications and ethical considerations. The lecture concluded with insights into the evolving IT job market, stressing the importance of skills in data analysis, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. The class featured practical lab sessions, providing students with hands-on experience, and an engaging Q&A segment, offering personalized guidance and career advice. Mr. John's expertise and interactive teaching methods made the class both educational and inspiring, leaving a lasting impact on the students.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Empowering Aspiring Developers: MERN Stack Mastery Bootcamp at FISAT

Congratulations to Student Name :  Animesh Thomas (22PMC113)

The MERN Stack Mastery Bootcamp, organized by the Department of Computer Applications at Federal Institute of Science And Technology (FISAT), is a transformative learning experience. As a resource person, you’re about to embark on a journey that blends theory, hands-on practice, and industry insights.

What’s MERN?:

  • MongoDB: The NoSQL database that stores data in JSON-like documents.
  • Express.js: A robust backend framework for building APIs and handling requests.
  • React or Angular: Frontend libraries for creating dynamic user interfaces.
  • Node.js: The server-side JavaScript runtime environment.

Congratulations - Placements

 Celebrating Jarina Devasia’s Achievement at Zion Public School, Swaraj, Kattappana! 

  • 22PMC129 Jarina Devasia
  • Placement: Teacher at Zion Public School
  • Location: Swaraj, Kattappana, Idukki

Congratulations - Placements


Let’s raise a toast to Aleesha, who has secured a position as a developer at UST

  • 22PMC107 Aleesha Jaleel 
  • Company: UST
  • Role: Developer

Congratulations - Placements

 Internships are steppingstones to professional success, and it’s heartwarming to see Jibin Thomas and Shahabas Ahamed making their mark at Sixdee Netad Solutions with a fantastic package of 4 LPA! 🚀 Their hard work and dedication have truly paid off.

  • 22PMC131 Jibin Thomas and 

    22PMC150 Shahabas Ahammed AK 
  • Company: Sixdee Netad Solutions
  • Package: 4 LPA

Both are currently passed-out students employed by Joji Joseph [MCA2016 passout Batch] after a 6-month internship at his company. Happy to see that from students to employees, you are now turning to employers.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Graduation Ceremony


Graduation is a significant milestone, marking the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It is a celebration of academic achievements and personal growth, signifying the transition from student life to professional endeavours. This momentous occasion brings together graduates, faculty, and family members to honour the accomplishments and potential of the graduating class, setting the stage for future successes and lifelong learning.


The graduation ceremony MCA Department  organized by Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous) was held in  June 1st, 2024, offering a grand celebration of academic achievements and milestones. This event marked the successful completion of academic programs for the graduates and celebrated their hard-earned achievements.

BoS Meeting


The sixteenth Board of Studies meeting of the PG Department of Computer Applications was conducted at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, 29th of May 2024, in hybrid mode.

Dr. Sasikumar S., CEO, METTSS, Trivandrum, Former Professor, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia., Dr Sabu Augustine, former Associate Professor, Marian College, Kuttikkanam, Dr Sunil Job, Visiting Faculty, PG Department of Computer Applications, and faculty members of the PG Department attended the meeting.