
Friday, June 14, 2024

Industrial AI


Venue: 2nd MCA[ MCA2023-25 Batch]

Date: 05 June 2024

Time: 03:30pm – 04:30pm

Resource Person : Mr Mathew Joseph

Activity: Industrial AI

Outcome: On June 5, 2024, second-year MCA students participated in an enlightening webinar titled "Industrial AI," led by Mr. Mathew Joseph, Director and Head of CIMB Bank AI Labs. The webinar provided valuable insights into the application of artificial intelligence (AI) across various industries. Mr. Joseph, an engaging and knowledgeable speaker, began by discussing the transformative potential of AI in optimizing operations, enhancing customer experiences, and driving innovation in sectors such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

 He highlighted specific use cases, such as predictive maintenance in manufacturing, personalized marketing in retail, fraud detection in finance, and diagnostic tools in healthcare. One of the key areas Mr. Joseph focused on was AI in recruitment, explaining how AI-powered tools can streamline the hiring process by automating resume screening, improving candidate matching, and reducing biases in recruitment decisions. This not only makes the process more efficient but also helps in identifying the best talent more effectively.The webinar also included an interactive Q&A session, allowing students to engage directly with Mr. Joseph and seek his advice on AI applications and career opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. His expertise and practical insights made the session highly interesting and relevant, providing students with a deeper understanding of how AI is revolutionizing various industries and the future career paths in this domain. 

The webinar concluded with Mr. Joseph encouraging students to stay curious, keep learning, and explore the vast potential of AI in their future careers.

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